Absolute Black Granite Countertops

Absolute Black Granite

Absolute Black Granite is one of the most popular types of black granite. Its feature is a delicate structure and the absence of foreign inclusions, which makes the black color of this Natural Stone rich and spectacular.

Absolute Black Granite is used for decorative finishes. With its help are made Kitchen countertops, coffee tables, Outdoor Bar Countertops, and bar counters.
Also used for decorating stairs, building foundations, pools, cabinets, fountains, and mirrors. You can finish the fireplace area.

The completely black surface of the granite will harmoniously fit into the business environment of an office, library, or hall. With its help, the face can be given a luxurious and unique look, which is expressed in every detail.

For centuries, Absolute Black Granite has been one of the most popular building materials and remains so to this day. Moreover, the annual production of granite products worldwide reaches hundreds of millions of tons. Black granite has been mined mainly in South Africa, as well as in Brazil, China, and India.

Over the years, this granite has been in great demand all over the world. So far, its reserves have been depleted considerably, so it may be difficult to supply large quantities of this stone.

Phone: 1800-732-4311



Absolute Black Granite Slabs

Premium Absolute Black Granite Slabs

Premium Absolute Black Granite Slabs

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